Lync Server RC-Topology publish fails, SQL store <ComoputerName>\rtc is not defined

Error attempting to publish topology.
Trying to create a single/Standard Edition server installation.

Error message, on attempting to publish:
"SQL store <ComoputerName>\rtc is not defined in the topology.  You must..."

In an earlier, failed installation attempt, I included the server name as simply "LyncRC".
The FQDN is "LyncRC.Home.hom"

Since that earlier failed attempt, I uninstalled all Lync Server components and reinstalled.  I deleted the Lync Server databases, but did not uninstall SQL Server Express Edition.

Within the topology I am attempting to publish, the SQL Store is defined as: "LyncRC.Home.hom\rtc"  I have tried adding a second entry to the SQL Stores container as: "LyncRC\rtc" but receive same error on publishing.

Another forum thread, with a similar symptom, focused on the
connection name stored in AD and manipulated with the CsManagementConnection cmdlet.
Using its GET variant, it initially returned the quoted source, "LyncRC\rtc".  Using the SET variant, I changed the value and confirmed its change with the GET version, returning the string:
 "Data Source=LyncRC.Home.hom\rtc;Initial Catalog=xds;Integrated Security=True"

I still get the same error when attempting to publish, referring to the source as "LyncRC\rtc".  I have reviewed the topology configuration file and verified there are no references to "LyncRC" without the domain name.  I'm at an impass.  It seems the reference is external to the Lync server.

Your thoughts appreciated.

October 29th, 2010 1:58pm

Hi, you may delete the previous sip pool from configuration store by ADSI edit (ADSI Edit\CN=Configuration,DC=domain,DC=com\CN=Services\CN=RTC Service\CN=Pools), then run Remove-CsConfigurationStoreLocation on Lync server.

If still no luck after tried above, start Lync server from scratch should be the best solution.

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November 1st, 2010 8:59am

I ran into this in a similar situation and to be honest, its better to start from scratch on the server.


When I tried to go forward after partial install that failed, and changing the name to make it right, too much stuff to cleanup, and quicker to start over.


November 1st, 2010 12:49pm

The fix for this issue is Lync Powershell;

Get-CsConfigurationStoreLocation will show you the location of the Server its pointed to

Set-CsConfigurationStoreLocation or you can Remove-CsConfigurationStoreLocation to correct your issue

  • Proposed as answer by Ahmedv10 Monday, January 13, 2014 7:58 PM
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January 28th, 2013 9:35pm

The fix for this issue is Lync Powershell;

Get-CsConfigurationStoreLocation will show you the location of the Server its pointed to

Set-CsConfigurationStoreLocation or you can Remove-CsConfigurationStoreLocation to correct your issue

  • Proposed as answer by Ahmedv10 Monday, January 13, 2014 7:58 PM
January 28th, 2013 9:35pm

The fix for this issue is Lync Powershell;

Get-CsConfigurationStoreLocation will show you the location of the Server its pointed to

Set-CsConfigurationStoreLocation or you can Remove-CsConfigurationStoreLocation to correct your issue

  • Proposed as answer by Ahmedv10 Monday, January 13, 2014 7:58 PM
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
January 28th, 2013 9:35pm

Thank you very much. This fix works for me.

April 23rd, 2015 5:12pm

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